SSC338D/SSC338Q CA7*2+IPU5M/Multi-sensorISP: HDR/3DNR

SSC338D/SSC338Q系列产品是高度集成的多媒体片上系统(SoC)产品,适用于IP摄像机、车载摄像机和USB摄像机等高分辨率智能视频录制应用。该芯片包括32位双核RISC处理器、高级图像信号处理器(ISP)、高性能MJPEG/H.264/H.265视频编码器(高达4K 20fps)、深度学习加速器(DLA)、智能视频引擎(IVE),以及MIPI等高速I/O接口以太网。高级低功耗,实现了低电压结构和优化设计流程,以满足长时间使用的应用。在安全系统中,集成了AES/DES/3DES密码引擎以支持安全引导、身份验证和视频/音频流加密。SSC338D/SSC338Q采用SigmaStar技术,配备了完整的硬件平台和软件SDK,使客户能够加快“上市时间”。
The SSC338D/SSC338Q series products are highly integrated multimedia System-on-Chip (SoC) products for
high-resolution intelligent video recording applications like IP camera, CAR camera, and USB camera.
The chip includes a 32-bit dual-core RISC processor, advanced Image Signal Processor (ISP), high performance
MJPEG/H.264/H.265 video encoder (up to 4K 20fps), Deep Learning Accelerator (DLA), Intelligent Video Engine
(IVE), as well as high speed I/O interfaces like MIPI, and Ethernet.
Advanced low-power, low-voltage architecture and optimized design flow are implemented to fulfill long time
usage applications. Hardwired AES/DES/3DES cipher engines are integrated to support secure boot,
authentication, and video/audio stream encryption in security system.
The SSC338D/SSC338Q, powered by SigmaStar Technology, comes with a complete hardware platform and
software SDK, allowing customers to speed up "Time-to-Market."
High Performance Processor Core
ARM Cortex-A7 Dual Core
Clock rate over 1GHz
Neon and FPU
Memory Management Unit for Linux support
DMA Engine
Image/Video Processor
Supports 8/10/12-bit parallel interface for
raw data input
Supports MIPI interface with 2/4 data lanes
and 1 clock lane
Supports one MIPI interface
Supports sensor interface with both parallel
and MIPI
Supports 8/10-bit CCIR656 interface
Supports max. 4K (3840x2160) pixels video
recording and image snapshot
Bad pixel compensation
Temporal-domain Noise Reduction (3DNR)
Bayer domain Spatial-domain Noise
Reduction (2DNR)
Bayer domain filter to remove purple false
color in highlight regions
Optical black correction
Lens shading compensation
Auto White Balance (AWB) / Auto Exposure
(AE) / Auto Focus (AF)
CFA color interpolation
Color correction
Gamma correction
Video stabilization
High Dynamic Range (HDR) with two
exposure frames and de-ghost function
Frame buffer data compression and de-
compression to save memory bandwidth
Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) with local tone
Flip, Mirror, and Rotation with 90 or 270
Lens distortion correction (LDC/FishEye)
Rolling shutter compensation
Fully programmable multi-function scaling
Advanced Color Engine
Luma gain/offset adjustment
Supports 2D peaking with user definition
Horizontal noise masking
Direct Luma Correction (DLC)
Black/White Level Extension (BLE/WLE)
IHC/ICC/IBC for chroma adjustment
Histogram statistics
Spatial domain IIR filter to reduce noise
Supports H.265/HEVC main profile
Supported Prediction Unit (PU) size: 32x32,
16x16, 8x8
Supported Transform Unit (TU) size: 32x32
to 4x4
Search range [H: +/-128, V: +/-64]
Supports up to quarter-pixel
Supports frame level and MB level rate
Supports ROI encoding with custom QP map
Supports max. 4K with 20 fps encoding
H.264 Encoder
Supports H.264 baseline, constrained
baseline, main, and high profile
Supports 16x16, 8x8 and 4x4 block sizes
Search range [H: +/-64, V: +/-32]
Supports up to quarter-pixel
Supports frame level and MB level rate
Supports ROI encoding with custom QP map
 Supports max. 4K with 20 fps encoding
JPEG Encoder
Supports JPEG baseline encoding
Supports YUV422 or YUV420 formats
Supports max. 4K with 20 fps encoding
Supports real-time mode and frame encode
Video Encoding Performance
Supports 4K + HD + D1 20fps H.265/HEVC
Supports 4K + HD + D1 20fps H.264
Supports MJPEG up to 4K 20 fps encoding
Deep Learning Accelerator
Pure hardwired accelerator
Supports various video analysis functions like
FD/FR, human detection, MD/OD, object
tracking, etc.
Audio Processor
One stereo ADC for microphone input
Two stereo DMIC inputs
One stereo DAC for lineout
Supports 8K/16K/32KHz/48KHz sampling rate
audio recording
Digital and analog gain adjustment
I2S digital audio input and output with TDM
up to 8-ch input and 2-ch output
NOR/NAND Flash Interface
Compliant with standard, dual and quad SPI
Flash memory components
High speed clock/data rate up to 108MHz
SD Card/eMMC Interface
Compatible with SD spec. 2.0, data bus 1/4
bit mode
Supports eMMC 4.3 interface
SDIO 2.0 Interface
Compatible with SDIO spec. 2.0, data bus
1/4 bit mode
Compatible with SD spec. 2.0, data bus 1/4
bit mode
USB Interface
One USB 2.0 configurable host or device
– Host mode supports EHCI specification
Device mode supports 4 endpoints
Supports suspend/hibernation/wake-up
power saving mode
DRAM Memory
Embedded 1Gb or 2Gb 16-bit DDR3 memory
with max. 2133Mbps
Built-in 10/100M Ethernet MAC and Ethernet
USB 2.0 Host Controller could be used for
USB Wi-Fi Dongle or Module
SDIO 2.0 Host Controller could be used for
SDIO Wi-Fi module
Supports Wake-on-LAN (WOL)
Security Engines
Supports secure booting
Real Time Clock (RTC)
Built-in RTC working with 32.768 KHz crystal
Alarm interrupt for wakeup
Tick time interrupt (millisecond)
Built-in regulator
Supports low leakage RTC-mode for long
battery application
Dedicated GPIOs for system control
Supports max. 11 PWM outputs
Three generic UARTs and one fast UART with
flow control
Three generic timers and one watchdog
Two SPI masters
Four I2C Masters
Built-in SAR ADC with 4-channel analog
inputs for different kinds of applications
Supports internal temperature sensor
Operating Voltage Range
Core: 0.9V
I/O: 1.8 ~ 3.3V
DRAM: 1.5V (DDR3) or 1.35V (DDR3L)
Power Consumption: TBD
 QFN with 128 pins, 12.3mm x 12.3mm



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